Monday, May 25, 2020
Developmental Theories Essay - 816 Words
Reaction Paper Number One Theories of Development There are many types of developmental theories. First being the Psychoanalytic Theory, and the Cognitive Theory. Within these two types of theories there are several psychologists that have their own theory of development. After exploring these different theories I will then share my opinion on which theory I believe to be more accurate. By definition the Psychoanalytic Theory describes development as a primarily unconscious and heavily colored by emotion. Behavior is merely a surface characteristic, and the symbolic workings of the mind have to be analyzed to understand behavior (Santrock). Sigmund Freud took the psychoanalytic approach with his Psychosexual Theory, Freudâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦For example during the anal stage the primary focus is learning to control the bladder and bowel movements, thus giving a child a since of independence. Although if a child is not rewarded properly or ridiculed for having accidents a child may have a negative out come later in life as a result (Cherry). Erikson also took the psychoanalytic approach with his Psychosocial Theory. Erikson believed that people developed socially and where motivated by the desire to affiliate with other people. He also believed that people continued to develop through their entire life span with equal importance. There are eight stages in Eriksonââ¬â¢s theory starting from the Oral Stage, where a person develops trust versus mistrust, and continues to the Integrity versus Despair Stage accruing into the late 60ââ¬â¢s and onward. Like Freud, Erikson believed that if any one stage is not successfully accomplished negative effects could result later in life. Although because Erikson believed that people continue to develop throughout life if any one stage is not successfully achieved at the recommended time, a person could still accomplish the level thus resulting in a positive outcome. Cognitive Theories focus on conscious thoughts, remembering, problem solving and decision making. Cognitive development refers to how a person understands the world through interaction. Piaget, and Vygotsky both took the Cognitive approach to development. Vygotsky claimed that social development was far moreShow MoreRelatedDevelopmental Stages And Developmental Theories1004 Words à |à 5 PagesDevelopmental Stages and Developmental Theories There have been numerous studies on human development to explain how we function at different stages in our lives. These studies have looked at development from birth to adulthood. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Google Earth and Archaeology
Google Earth, software that uses high resolution satellite images of the entire planet to allow the user to get an incredible moving aerial view of our world, has stimulated some serious applications in archaeology--and seriously good fun for fans of archaeology.One of the reasons I love flying in airplanes is the view you get from the window. Soaring over vast tracks of land and getting a glimpse of large archaeological sites (if you know what to look for, and the weather is right, and youre on the right side of the plane), is one of the great modern pleasures of the world today. Sadly, security issues and rising costs have sucked most of the fun out of airline trips these days. And, lets face it, even when all the climatological forces are right, there just arent any labels on the ground to tell you what youre looking at anyway. Google Earth Placemarks and Archaeology But, using Google Earth and capitalizing on the talent and time of people like JQ Jacobs, you can see high resolution satellite photographs of the world, and easily find and investigate archaeological wonders like Machu Picchu, slowly floating down the mountains or racing through the narrow valley of the Inca trail like a Jedi knight, all without leaving your computer.Essentially, Google Earth (or just GE) is an extremely detailed, high resolution map of the world. Its users add labels called placemarkers to the map, indicating cities and restaurants and sports arenas and geocaching sites, all using a fairly sophisticated Geographic Information System client. After theyve created the placemarkers, the users post a link to them on one of the bulletin boards at Google Earth. But dont let the GIS connection scare you off! After installation and a little fussing with the interface, you too can zoom along the narrow steep-sided Inca trail in Peru or poke around the landscape at Stonehenge or take a visual tour of castles in Europe. Or if youve got the time to study up, you too can add placemarkers of your own.JQ Jacobs has long been a contributor of quality content about archaeology on the Internet. With a wink, he warns would-be users, Im glimpsing a possible forthcoming chronic disorder, Google Earth Addiction. In February of 2006, Jacobs began posting placemark files on his website, marking several archaeological sites with a concentration on Hopewellian earthworks of the American northeast. Another user on Google Earth is simply known as H21, who has assembled placemarkers for castles in France, and Roman and Greek amphitheatres. Some of the site placemarkers on Google Earth are simple location points, but others have lots of information attached--so be careful, like anywhere else on the Internet, there be dragons, er, inaccuracies. Survey Techniques and Google Earth On a more serious but downright exciting note, GE has also been used successfully to survey for archaeological sites. Searching for crop marks on aerial photos is a time-tested way to identify possible archaeological sites, so it seems reasonable that high resolution satellite imagery would be a fruitful source of identification. Sure enough, researcher Scott Madry, who is leading one of the oldest large-scale remote sensing projects on the planet called GIS and Remote Sensing for Archaeology: Burgundy, France, has had great success identifying archaeological sites using Google Earth. Sitting in his office at Chapel Hill, Madry used Google Earth to identify over 100 possible sites in France; fully 25% of those were previously unrecorded. Find the Archaeology Game Find the Archaeology is a game on the Google Earth community bulletin board where people post an aerial photograph of an archaeological site and players must figure out where in the world it is or what in the world it is. The answer--if its been discovered--will be in postings at the bottom of the page; sometimes printed in white lettering so if you see the words in white click and drag your mouse over the area. There simply isnt yet a very good structure to the bulletin board, so Ive collected several of the game entries in Find the Archaeology.Ã Sign in to Google Earth to play; you dont need to have Google Earth installed to guess. There is a bit of a process to trying Google Earth; but its well worth the effort. First, make sure you have the recommended hardware to use Google Earth without driving you and your computer crazy. Then, download and install Google Earth to your computer. Once it has been installed, go to JQs site and click on one of the links where hes created placemarks, follow another link in my collection, or simply search the Illustrated History bulletin board at Google Earth.After youve clicked on a placemark link, Google Earth will open and a marvelous image of the planet will spin to find the site and zoom in. Before flying in Google Earth, turn on the GE Community and Terrain layers; youll find a series of layers in the left hand menu. Use your mouse wheel to zoom in closer or farther away. Click and drag to move the map east or west, north or south. Tilt the image or spin the globe by using the cross-compass in the upper right hand corner.Placemarkers added by Google Earth users are indica ted by an icon such as a yellow thumbtack. Click on an i icon for detailed information, ground-level photos or further links for information. A blue-and-white cross indicates a ground level photograph. Some of the links take you to part of a Wikipedia entry. Users can also integrate data and media with geographic location in GE. For some Eastern Woodlands mound groups, Jacobs utilized his own GPS readings, linking online photography in the appropriate placemarks, and adding overlay placemarks with old Squier and Davis survey maps to display mounds now destroyed in their place.If you really get ambitious, sign up for a Google Earth Community account and read their guidelines. Placemarks you contribute will appear on Google Earth when they update. There is a fairly steep learning curve to understanding how to add placemarks, but it can be done. More details on how to use Google Earth can be found at Google Earth on About, from Abouts guide to Google Marziah Karch, or JQs Ancient Place markers page, or Abouts Space guide Nick Greenes Google Earth page. Flying and Google Earth Flying may not be an option for many of us these days, but this latest option from Google allows us to get much of the joy of flying without the hassle of going through security. And what a great way to learn about archaeology!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Harappa and Aryans 1500 B.C.E - 1299 Words
All the historical cities from older times have many common features in construction as well as in society, government, religion, and culture. The uniformity among Harappan cities reveals a society that valued order, organization, and cleanliness. Administrators used the same pattern, carefully laying out the cities using a north-south grid pattern with wide streets and large rectangular city blocks. They built most buildings of sturdy baked brick molded to a standardized size. Residential and commercial districts were separated from a smaller area or public affairs. Massive brick ramparts 40 feet thick at their base partially protected it from the river waters and any potential human attackers. Large granaries provide evidence of wealthâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The available evidence for an organized monarchy is thin, and there were no elaborate palaces, temples, or monuments glorifying leaders. Each city was probably Independent, perhaps governed by some powerful guild of merc hants or a council of common landowning, and religious leaders. The ruins contain few weapons, suggesting that, in contrast to Mesopotamia, war was uncommon. But some people owned beautiful objects of personal adornment, such as necklaces and beads, while others apparently lacked such valuable possessions. the ruins also contain many toys made from clay or wood, indicating a prosperous society that valued leisure for children. Harappan society had unusual gender relations for that era, different from the rigid patriarchies that characterized Mesopotamia or China as governments grew more powerful. Apparently, Harappan husbands moved into their wivesââ¬â¢ households after marriage, a practice that suggests a matrilineal system. Yet some customs harmed women. A least some Harappans may have practiced sati, the custom of a widow killing herself by jumping onto the funeral pyre as her dead husband is being cremated. Harappan city-dwellers developed an artistic appreciation, mixing art with religion and even commerce. They made small, square, clay seals, possibly used by merchants for branding their wares; some of the seals contain brilliant portraits of indigenous animals, indulging bulls and water buffaloes as well as the tigers, elephants, andShow MoreRelatedThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words à |à 76 Pagesabout 2500 B.C.E. depicts a king or a priest from Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus valley in present-day Pakistan. Does this figure seem to emphasize the features of a particular person or the attributes of a particular role? Hear the Audio for Chapter 1 at CRAIMC01_xxxii-031hr2.qxp 2/17/11 3:22 PM Page xxxii EARLY HUMANS AND THEIR CULTURE page 1 WHY IS ââ¬Å"cultureâ⬠considered a defining trait of human beings? EARLY CIVILIZATIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST TO ABOUT 1000 B.C.E. page 5 HOW
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Financial Accounting And Financial Report â⬠Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Financial Accounting And Financial Reporting? Answer: Introducation Financial accounting is an activity through which the transactions entered into by the company are recorded on the regular basis and the results thereon are provided to the management of the company. Simultaneously the financial reporting is done. It is materialized with the preparation of the report namely annual report. Annual report helps in providing the financial information for the benefit of the stakeholders of the company. The report under study has followed the route beginning from accounting policies adopted by the company and ending with the framework that the company has followed for the purpose of financial accounting and reporting. For the purpose of conducting an investigation and for the preparation of the investigation report, the company has been selected from the Australia Wesfarmers Limited. The company is incorporated in Australia and listed in the Stock exchange of Australia. The report has been started with the brief description of the accounting policies which are detrimental for the organization and which helps in defining the factors which will help the company in achieving the success with full hands. Then it moves towards the identification of the leniency enjoyed by the managers in assessing and adopting the particular accounting policy and the particular accounting treatment. This leniency is further analyzed with accounting strategies that have been adopted which further had led the managers to distort the performance of the company in any manner. Along with the degree of leniency the degree at which the frauds and mistakes are being done at the accounting level and as well as at the reporting level has been detailed. The study further proceeds with the introduction to the framework of accounting and has detailed the companys compliance with the conceptual framework of accounting. The investigation has then ended up with the conclusion as to the financial accounting and the financial reporting practices adopted by the company. Estimates And Accounting Policies Before preceding the investigation report, at first the brief introduction of the working of the company shall be analysed. The company selected for the purpose of achieving the investigation is Wesfarmers Limited. The company is incorporated in the country of Australia and with the passage of time has listed itself over the recognized stock exchange of India. Earlier it was only a cooperative society in the year of 1919 and now is regarded as the largest company in the Australia. Wesfarmers Limited has been in the same line of business since its inception. It is in the business of providing the all household items and appliance at one place so that the consumers are not required to deviate from one shop to another shop. Thus, the company has been working as the super departmental store and is the one of the biggest competitor of Woolworths Limited. The company also has the industrial division wherein chemicals and fertilizers are supplied. The items that the company provides consist of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, ovens, mixer and grinder and other similar household items and appliances. (Company Official Website, 2017). On 30th of June 2017, the financial year has ended up and the annual report of the company has been analysed for that year and the immediately preceding previous year. The investigation has been started with the identification of the key accounting policies that the company has adopted and mentioned in the notes to accounts of the annual report. These are: In the starting of the notes to the financial statement, it has been mentioned that the company has made the various judgments and estimates for future events while applying the accounting policies at the whole group level which have the material effect to financial reporting. The judgments and the estimates so made are related to the nine major items. It includes income, tax expense, inventories, Property Plant and Equipment, Goodwill and Intangible assets, Provisions, Impairment, Joint ventures and contingencies. In note number of 1 of the notes to the financial statements of the company, the recognition of the income has been described. As per the recognition principle so given, the revenue is valued at the market value of the amount that will be received or receivable from the customers for selling the goods. It is recognized when the risk related to the goods and the related rewards thereon has been passed on to the buyer and the amount so recognized as revenue can be measured in the reliable terms. The related risks and rewards are considered to be transferred when the buyer of the goods receives the possession of the goods. In the case of services, the revenue is liable to be recognized depending upon the stage of completion of the services. Interest on the advances given to other parties are recognized at the time when it get accrues to the company and is measures by using the effective interest rate which covers the discounted future cash flows over the life of the financial asset. Oth er component of revenue is the dividend which is recognized at the time when the company receives the right to have the dividend. In case of the revenues, the company has made the two key estimates one is related to the loyalty program and other one is related to the gift cards. In the former the revenue is recognized at the time when the points are redeemed and therefore the revenue is deferred in the next year. In the later the revenue is recognized at the time of redeeming the card and the purchase of goods made by the customers with companys cards or when it is explicit that the card is no longer to be used whichever is earlier. In the former case the company has deferred the revenue of 267 million dollars in the financial year ending 30th of June 2017 and in case of latter, the amount of 217 million dollars in the financial year ending 30th of June 2016 (Anastasia, 2015). In accordance with the note number six of the financial statements of the company, the inventory is valued at the lower of cost or the value which can be fetched from the market. Fetching value is equals to the selling price of the product less the cost that will be incurred in selling the product. The company has recorded the value of 6530 million dollars as the inventory for the financial year ending June 2017. The inventory consists of three items raw material, work in progress and finished goods. Raw material are measured at the purchase cost on the basis of the weighted average price method, Work in progress is measured at the amount equivalent to the amount of the direct materials paid for acquisition and the amount of the direct labor expense and the relevant portion of the manufacturing expenses and the overhead on the basis of the normal operating capacity and lastly finished goods are measured at total cost less the discounts and rebates if any. The key estimate that the c ompany has mentioned is in relation to the rebates that the supplier provides to the company. Here the management estimates are made available on the basis of the turnover level and the related forecast level. Other key estimates are related to tax expense, Property Plant and Equipment, Goodwill and Intangible assets, Provisions, Impairment, Joint ventures and contingencies and are regarded as the critical success factors for the company. Flexibility In Accounting Managers of the company are particularly given the specific function to be performed. At some level, these managers enjoy the flexibility in adopting the policies and practices at their own. Similarly on the same path, the importance of the accounting function has been analysed and the managers to some extent carries the flexibility in the accounting procedures and the practices and also to some level in the financial reporting practices. If the manager enjoys the high degree of flexibility at which the accounting can be done and mould according to the need then it delivers that the manager not only can follow the wrong practices but will also distort the true and correct picture of the working and the operation of the company (Weygandt, 2012). The motive to adopt the wrong accounting and financial reporting practices are basically comes from the view of the stakeholders and the shareholders of the company or from the own benefit of the managers of the company holding the key manager ial position or executives at same level in the company. One motive that is explainable from the statement of the profit and loss is the earnings per share which helps in determining the wealth of the shareholders of the company. The earnings per share of the company have been considerably increased from $36.2 for the financial year ending 2016 to 254.70 for the financial year ending June 2017. The increase in the earnings per share has not been made suddenly but is totally a drastic move which has increased the wealth of the investors including the shareholders of the company approximately 800 times of the previous years wealth (Cooper, 2015). Second motive that is explainable from the statement of the profit and loss is the increase in the earnings before interest and income tax expense. The increase is from 1346 million dollar in the year ending 2016 to 4402 million dollars in the year ending 2017. The increase may be to cover the covenant that may be imposed by the financial institution or the other investor or else it may be the internal decision made by the management of the company (Bryer, 2013). The above two increase has made the investigators to have suspicion that the managers have the sufficient motive to play with financial figures and the report so as to achieve the objective. It exhibits that the company has given the high degree of flexibility to the managers of the company in choosing the policies and the estimates. Evaluating Strategies Strategies are defined as the thought of doing or performing the act in the defined manner so as to achieve the objective or goal. The accounting and reporting strategy so adopted by the company has given further length to the managers to enjoy the flexibility in adopting the accounting practices and the reporting procedures. The two deviations as indicated in the preceding section dictates the interest of the managers. As per the generally accepted accounting principles and procedures, each company shall perform the function in the uniform and consistent manner so as to facilitate the comparability and understandability across the globe. A mere deviation shall be reported fully and completely. In the first deviation where the earnings per share have been considerably increased within the period of one year, it has been observed that the managers might have been forced to present the high earnings per share so as to meet the requirements of the shareholders. As they will meet the requirements of the shareholders more and more investors the company will in the future and thus will increase the net worth of the company and the reputation in the market will also go stronger (Kothari and Ball, 2014). In the second motive the earnings before interest and income tax expense is much higher as compared to previous year. The revenue has increased from 65981 million dollars in the year 2016 to 68444 million dollars in the year 2017. With this increase in revenue the earnings before interest and tax has been increased from 1346 million dollar ion the year 2016 to 4402 million dollar in the year 2017 (Company official Website, 2017). The increase in earnings before interest and tax is approximately to 300 times of the earlier year despite of only eight percent increase in the revenue of the company. The main motive for this increase is that the managers remuneration totally depends upon the figure of the revenue (Ingram, 2008). The more the figure of the revenue the higher will be the amount of the remuneration that the managers of the company will receive. It is because the one component of the remuneration consists of an incentive plan which is totally related to the amount of business that the particular manager will bring for the company which in turn will of course increase the revenue. These plans are exhibited from the remuneration report. Thus, the managers have managed to increase the earnings and thus have changed the accounting and reporting strategies. Disclosure Requirements The annual report of the company has disclosed all the material facts and also the immaterial effects in the notes to the accounts of the financial statements as well as in the section of the significant accounting policies and procedures that the company has adopted. Therefore, the disclosure made by the company seems to be an adequate (Sinha, 2012). For instance the company has mentioned in the notes to accounts of the financial statements in the annual report of the company in the beginning that the management has applied their judgments and the estimates in the specific areas which are critical for the success of the organization like income, tax expense, goodwill, property plant and equipment, etc. The items have been mentioned with the reference to the notes and wherein it has been clearly mentioned that whether the particular item has made the significant effect in the financial position and the financial performance of the company. In each of the specific item the key estimates made by the company has been detailed with the figures for the current year under consideration and the immediately previous year (Company Official Website, 2017). Secondly the auditors of the company has very well displayed the key audit matters that has been communicated to the shareholders and stakeholders of the company through the independent auditor report embedded in the annual report of the company. Thus, it shows that the auditors of the company has followed the new auditing standard number seven hundred and one in full spirit and hence it seems that not only the company has made the adequate disclosure but also the auditors have followed the same. Thus the company has made the adequate disclosure. Red flag is described as the flaws of the discrepancies that are present in the annual financial statements of the company which requires the urgent attention of the management. It is because most of the collapses across the globe have happened only because of these red flags and non consideration thereon made by the management of the company like Lehman Brother collapse, ABC Learning collapse, etc. Following red flags has been observed and noticed: At first though the revenue has been increased by only 8% but the corresponding earnings before interest and tax has been increased by 300 times as compared to previous year. The costs are in the same proportion approximately. The amount by which the revenue has been increased is nearly equivalent to the amount of increase in the earnings before interest and tax expense (Phillips and Heiser., 2011). The second red flag that has been noticed is the net increase in cash and cash equivalents amounting to 402 million dollars. It is despite of the fact that the company has paid the borrowings of 1994 million dollars (Weiss, 2014). The above two depicts that there are discrepancies in the accounting as well as reporting which requires the management to intervene and take the strong actions. Accounting Framework The framework is defined as the structure within which the particular activity is required to be performed and delivered to the users. In the same way, in the accounting of the transactions and reporting thereon, the conceptual framework of accounting is required to be followed. It states three features that shall be satisfied to claim as working under the conceptual framework of accounting. These are relevance, consistent and the faithful representation. Each has the significant meaning (Capital Markets Advisory Committee Meeting, 2013). In the notes to accounts and the significant accounting policies, it is stated that the company has complied with the provisions of the corporations act, 2001 and the accounting standards that has been developed by the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the same has been followed by the company while accounting for the transactions as well as the reporting of the information (International Accounting Standards Board, 2010). Secondly the company has made the segment reporting separately and has correctly identified and disclosed the reportable segment in the annual report of the company as Coles, Home Improvement, K Mart and Target. Thus, the company has duly and fully complied with the conceptual framework of accounting. Conclusion Managers are the integral part of the organization which helps in planning and executing the functions of the company. Each manager has different function. One has the finance function; other has the production, sales, marketing, etc. Each company provides some degree of flexibility to the managers to adopt the relevant business and accounting practices and procedures. Through this report, the managers flexibility has been analysed in relation to adoption of the accounting policies and the presentation of the financial information to the stakeholders and the shareholders of the company Wesfarmers Limited. The investigation has also been made towards the quality of the accounting and disclosure of the information made during the year and simultaneously the discrepancies have been found and listed. The investigation then made to the framework of accounting whether the company is following the conceptual framework of accounting or not. The investigation report has been concluded with t he analysis that the financial statements of the company displays that the managers have the high degree of flexibility and has led the distortion of the picture of the financial statements stating the state of affairs and the financial performance. References Anastasia, (2015), Financial Statement Analysis : An Introduction available on accessed on 25-09-2017 Bryer, R.A., 2013. Double-entry bookkeeping and the birth of capitalism: accounting for the commercial revolution in medieval northern Italy.Critical perspectives on Accounting,4(2), pp.113-140. Capital Markets Advisory Committee Meeting, (2013), Conceptual Framework available on accessed on 25-09-2017 Company Official Website, (2017), Annual Reports available at accessed on 25/09/2017. Cooper S, (2015), A Tale of Prudence, available on accessed on 25-09-2017.Referencesxt-align: justify;"Ingram, R.W., 2008. A note on teaching debits and credits in elementary accounting.Issues in Accounting Education,13(2), p.411. International Accounting Standards Board, (2010), Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2010 , pages 16-21 Kothari, S.P. and Ball, R., 2014.Financial statement analysis. Mcgrew-Hill Companies. Phillips, F. and Heiser, L., 2011. A field experiment examining the effects of accounting equation emphasis and transaction scope on students learning to journalize.Issues in Accounting Education,26(4), pp.681-699. Sinha, G., 2012.Financial statement analysis. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Weygandt, J.J., , 2010. Accounting principles.Issues in Accounting Education,25(1), pp.179-180 Weiss D, (2014), Faithful Representation available on accessed on 25-09-2017.
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